Wrap Around Services

Housing, Rent, and Utilities

Application assistance and navigation

Family & Child Care

Promote SNAP, local food pantries, childcare centers

Broadband Expansion

Public buy-in, application assistance


Schedule changes, new routes

Over $140 billion in social services goes unused every year, not due to lack of need but because those who stand to benefit most from these resources face barriers to access like language, time, technology, misinformation, and complicated sign-up processes. This is where COG steps in, applying a scalable, paid community outreach model that utilizes a layered approach, including door-to-door, event outreach, as well as phone banking, text messaging, digital ads, and mail campaigns.

COG aims to streamline resource connection by compiling an array of resources into one place, allowing residents to access everything they need during one interaction with a trained outreach associate. COG has worked to connect residents with an array of resources, including but not limited to:

COG can augment an array of wraparound services to balance residents’ physical, social, emotional, and economic well-being through real-time in-person and phone assistance. Services can include facilitating connections to health and social services, employment opportunities, and behavioral health and substance abuse treatment. COG’s trained outreach associates inform the resident of the resources available to them and walk them through complicated eligibility requirements and convoluted applications that often prevent completion.

From small-town or city-wide programs to statewide initiatives, COG can operate at any scale to break down the most stubborn barriers and connect residents to resources and information that can improve their quality of life.